
Georgia Nursing Programs and Degrees Guide

    The following guide provides you with important information on both undergraduate and graduate nursing programs in Georgia. The colleges and universities in Georgia allow students to concentrate in a variety of areas, including nursing education, family nursing practice, and adult gerontology nursing practice. If you need a more flexible and convenient alternative to earn a nursing degree, you may want to consider an online program. Many online universities now offer bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in nursing.

    Quick Facts

    • 59 schools with nursing programs in Georgia are in our database (see below).
    • 26 colleges and universities offer associate’s degrees or certificates in nursing.1
    • 33 colleges and universities offer bachelor’s degrees in nursing.1
    • 18 colleges and universities offer master’s or advanced degrees in nursing.1
    • 2 schools ranked in Kiplinger’s Best Values in Public Colleges in 2018.2
    • No schools ranked in the Princeton Review’s Great Schools for Nursing Majors in 2018.3
    • 6 schools ranked in US News Best Nursing Schools: Master’s programs.4
    • 6 schools ranked in US News Best Nursing Schools: Doctor of Nursing Practice programs.4

    Top-Ranked Schools with Nursing Programs in Georgia

    Kiplinger’s Best Values in Public Colleges 2018*

    • Georgia State University (#90 in-state, #89 out-of-state)
    • University of North Georgia (#94 in-state, #95 out-of-state)

    *Institution-wide ranking.

    US News Best Nursing Schools: Master’s

    • Emory University (#3)
    • Georgia State University (#117 tie)
    • Augusta University (#136 tie)
    • Georgia College & State University (#143 tie)
    • Mercer University (#143 tie)
    • Clayton State University (#220 tie)

    US News Best Nursing Schools: Doctor of Nursing Practice

    • Emory University (#5 tie)
    • Augusta University (#97 tie)
    • Georgia Southern University (#109 tie)
    • Mercer University (#123 tie)
    • Georgia State University (#132 tie)
    • Georgia College & State University (#147 tie)

    Continue reading to find out more about the numerous undergraduate and graduate nursing programs offered at Georgia’s colleges and universities.

    NCLEX Pass Rate and Accreditation Information for Nursing Schools in Georgia

    The following table allows you to easily compare not-for-profit Georgia nursing schools on a variety of factors. Click on the arrows in the top row to sort the table. In addition to seeking a program that leads to licensure in your desired area of nursing, it’s advisable to consider accreditation as a factor in your decision. If you are considering education beyond the associate’s level, know that a degree from a school that holds accreditation from the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) is a common requirement for admission to master’s degree, ADN/LVN and RN to BSN, and specialized certificate programs. You should also check to ensure that the school you are considering is approved or accepted by the Georgia Board of Nursing (https://sos.ga.gov/page/education).

    SchoolADN or LVN ProgramBSN ProgramGraduate Nursing ProgramACEN/CCNE Accred.*NCLEX-PN First Time Pass Rate**# TakingNCLEX-RN First Time Pass Rate^# TakingNet Price^^
    Abraham Baldwin Agricultural CollegeYesYesNoACENN/AN/A90%100$8,069
    Albany State UniversityYesYesYesACENN/AN/A71.43%7$11,998
    Albany Technical CollegeYesNoNoACEN93.75%16N/AN/A$1,014
    Andrew CollegeYesNoNoNoN/AN/AN/AN/A$24,702
    Athens Technical CollegeYesNoNoACEN93.75%1687.76%49$6,446
    Atlanta Technical CollegeYesNoNoNoN/AN/A53.85%13$2,948
    Augusta Technical CollegeYesNoNoACEN100%3795%20$8,525
    Augusta University (BSN)NoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A84.78%184$12,157
    Augusta University (MSN)NoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A86.60%97$12,157
    Bainbridge State CollegeYesNoNoACEN93.33%3093.94%33$2,975
    Berry CollegeNoYesNoCCNEN/AN/A92.86%28$23,404
    Brenau UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A87.18%78$20,011
    Central Georgia Technical CollegeYesNoNoNo82.29%96N/AN/A$2,756
    Chamberlain CollegeNoYesNoCCNEN/AN/A83.51%188N/A
    Chattahoochee Technical CollegeYesNoNoACEN97.3%37100%22$2,894
    Clayton State UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A87.36%87$10,862
    Coastal Pines Technical CollegeYesNoNoNo86.3%73N/AN/A$10,087
    College of Coastal Georgia (ASN)YesYesNoACENN/AN/A100%29$11,903
    College of Coastal Georgia (BSN)YesYesNoACENN/AN/A100%38$11,903
    Columbus State UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A89.86%69$10,946
    Columbus Technical CollegeYesNoNoACEN88.89%1897.06%34$7,045
    Dalton State CollegeYesYesNoACEN95.55%2978.57%56$5,957
    Emory UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A91.38%174$25,928
    Georgia Baptist College at Mercer UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A90.76%119$20,301
    Georgia College and State UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A95.56%90$17,609
    Georgia Gwinnett CollegeNoYesNoNoN/AN/A83.33%24$12,264
    Georgia Highlands CollegeYesYesNoACENN/AN/A88.64%88$6,683
    Georgia Northwestern Technical CollegeYesNoNoACEN74.36%7864.29%42$3,841
    Georgia Perimeter CollegeYesNoNoACENN/AN/AN/AN/A$6,285
    Georgia Piedmont Technical CollegeYesNoNoNo94.44%36N/AN/A$7,695
    Georgia Southern UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A75.56%90$16,445
    Georgia Southwestern State UniversityNoYesYesACEN/CCNEN/AN/A88.68%53$12,133
    Georgia State University (BSN)YesYesYesCCNEN/AN/A85.50%131$14,134
    Georgia State University (ASN)YesYesYesCCNEN/AN/A90.44%136$14,134
    Gordon State CollegeYesYesNoACENN/AN/A93.65%63$10,500
    Gwinnett Technical CollegeYesNoNoACENN/AN/A98.41%63$8,015
    Kennesaw State UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A95.16%186$17,493
    LaGrange CollegeNoYesNoACENN/AN/A88.24%34$20,438
    Lanier Technical CollegeYesNoNoNo100%21N/AN/A$5,744
    Middle Georgia State University (ASN)YesYesYesACENN/AN/A92%50$9,313
    Middle Georgia State University (BSN)YesYesYesACENN/AN/A91.67%72$9,313
    North Georgia Technical CollegeYesNoNoNo100%1889.29%28$6,522
    Oconee Fall Line Technical CollegeYesNoNoNo94.74%38N/AN/A$636
    Ogeechee Technical CollegeYesNoNoNo94.12%17N/AN/A$5,821
    Piedmont CollegeNoYesNoACENN/AN/A89.66%58$16,935
    Reinhardt UniversityNoYesNoNoN/AN/AN/AN/A$19,653
    Savannah Technical CollegeYesNoNoNo93.74%33N/AN/A$4,523
    Shorter UniversityNoYesNoCCNEN/AN/A69.7%33$17,029
    Southeastern Technical CollegeYesNoNoNo100%3496.15%26$4,167
    Southern Crescent Technical CollegeYesNoNoNo89.36%4784.85%66$8,373
    Southern Regional Technical CollegeYesNoNoACEN90.9%44N/AN/A$2,323
    South Georgia State CollegeYesYesNoACENN/AN/A81.25%64$8,365
    South Georgia Technical CollegeYesNoNoNo79.19%42N/AN/A$6,130
    Thomas UniversityNoYesYesACENN/AN/AN/AN/A$16,521
    Toccoa Falls CollegeNoYesNoNoN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
    Truett-McConnell UniversityNoYesNoCCNEN/AN/A37.5%16$17,725
    University of North GeorgiaYesYesYesACENN/AN/A77.68%112$10,299
    University of West GeorgiaNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A91.35%104$14,565
    Valdosta State UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A83.1%71$13,148
    Wesleyan CollegeNoYesNoCCNEN/AN/A91.3%23$15,460
    West Georgia Technical CollegeYesNoNoACEN88.64%4461.90%63$4,165
    Wiregrass Georgia Technical CollegeYesNoNoNo79.71%69100%19$2,353

    *The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) accredits ADN/ASN/BSN programs. The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) accredits BSN/MSN/DNP programs.5,6
    **NCLEX-PN pass rates reported are for first-time undergraduates testing between January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016.7 You can compare these pass rates to the national average through the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
    ^NCLEX-RN pass rates reported are for first-time undergraduates testing between January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016.7 You can compare these pass rates to the national average through the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
    ^^The National Center for Education Statistics calculates net price from the total estimated cost of attendance, including includes tuition, books, room and board, and other expenses, for in-state students minus the average financial aid award (such as grants and scholarships).

    Schools in Georgia with Nursing Degrees

    Associate’s in Nursing Programs

    Chattahoochee Technical College
    Chattahoochee Technical College awards an Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) that requires 67 credit hours to earn. The degree can be pursued under a traditional option or an LPN-ASN Bridge option for those who are currently licensed practical nurses. After completing the college’s general education requirements, students typically complete the requisite occupational nursing courses in four semesters with full-time study. The program emphasizes the application of classroom learning and theory to clinical experience. Graduates are eligible to apply for the NCLEX-RN exam and become registered nurses in the state of Georgia. The ASN program at Chattahoochee Tech is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) and approved by the Georgia Board of Nursing.

    West Georgia Technical College
    The registered nursing program at West Georgia Technical College leads to the award of an associate’s degree and qualifies graduates to sit for the NCLEX-RN exam. The selection process for the program is competitive, with students admitted once per year. Courses in the program include Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology, Human Development, and Transitions to Professional Nursing. Including general education requirements, the degree requires 70 credit hours to complete. The program is approved by the Georgia Board of Nursing and holds accreditation from ACEN. West Georgia Technical college also offers a Practical Nursing Diploma, credits from which may transfer to the ADN program.

    Bachelor’s in Nursing Programs

    Georgia Southwestern State University
    Georgia Southwestern State University features a four-year, 122 credit undergraduate program leading to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). Sixty credits are focused on core college requirements in science, history, math, and English while 62 credits are dedicated to the nursing major. Nursing students will take courses encompassing clinical therapeutics, health assessment, pharmacology, community health nursing, and psychiatric nursing. A practicum is mandatory. Students are encouraged to join on campus and professional organizations including the Georgia Southwestern Association of Nursing Students, the Georgia Nurses Association, and the Mi Pi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, the international honor society for nursing students. Short-term study abroad opportunities are also available through the School of Nursing.

    Georgia State University
    Georgia State University’s traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program generally takes three years to complete once students have fulfilled all prerequisites and other college requirements. Nursing majors must complete 10 prerequisite courses before being admitted to the nursing major. Pre-requisites include English composition, math, and biology courses. Students must maintain a minimum 3.30 GPA in the prerequisites to be considered for the nursing program. All applicants are also required to take the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) to be considered for admission. In addition to the traditional nursing BSN program, the nursing department features an accelerated (ACE) bachelor’s program and a one year RN to BSN program.

    Truett-McConnell College
    Truett-McConnell College offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing program that emphasizes competent nursing practice through skills development. Students complete two years of the college’s core curriculum before entering junior level nursing courses. Multiple clinical course rotations are included in the program curriculum in Care of Families, Mental Health, Long Term Health Care, Community Health, and the Critically Ill. Students also complete an international or domestic spring break Mission trip during the junior year as part of the program. Graduates are prepared to pass the NCLEX and work in a variety of healthcare settings. The BSN program at Truett-McConnell College holds approval from the Georgia Board of Nursing and is seeking national accreditation from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.

    Master’s in Nursing Programs

    Emory University
    Emory University offers multiple Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) programs through the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing. MSN specialties include, but are not limited to, Pediatrics, Emergency, Family, Health Leadership, and Women’s Health Nursing. The curriculum for all MSN specialties is organized around the four components of a theoretical core, clinical/functional core, specialty courses, and electives. Graduate nursing students may join the Graduate Nursing Council to provide program feedback and participate in networking opportunities and a wide variety of social events. Graduates of the MSN program at Emory are prepared to apply for the Nurse Practitioner and/or Certified Nurse Midwife certification exams appropriate to their chosen specialty. Following graduation from the master’s program, graduates may be interested in post-master’s study in the highly individualized certificate program or in the school’s doctoral programs. Emory University’s MSN program is ranked #21 for Best Graduate Schools in Nursing by U.S. News & World Report.

    Mercer University
    Mercer University’s Georgia Baptist College of Nursing awards the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) in three concentrations: family nurse practitioner, adult-gerontology clinical nurse specialist, and nursing education. Students pursuing the family nurse practitioner concentration must complete 49 credits while those in the clinical nurse specialist and nursing education tracks take 38 credits to fulfill degree requirements. Regardless of the concentration, all graduate students will complete 23 credits in such core courses as nursing theory and knowledge development, health care policy issues, and advanced pharmacology. A capstone project is mandatory. The program allows for both part-time and full-time study.

    University of West Georgia
    Graduate students pursuing a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) at the University of West Georgia may choose from two concentrations: the health systems leadership track and the nursing education track. The health systems leadership track offers specializations in leader or manager role and clinical nurse leader role while the nursing education track focuses solely on nursing education. Each track requires 36 credits to fulfill degree requirements and students generally pursue the MSN on a full-time basis, allowing for completion in four semesters. Part-time study is permitted. Successful applicants must have a current registered nurse’s license and possess a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).

    Student Reviews

    Note: Student Reviews are based on the experiences of a few individuals and it is unlikely that you will have similar results. Please review the “Data, Student Reviews and Other Information” section in our Terms of Use and Disclaimers.

    Augusta University
    1120 15th St
    Augusta, GA 30912
    (706) 721-0211

    Student Review: “As a previous graduate of an LPN program and a nurse with several years of experience before starting this program at Georgia Regents University [now Augusta University], I was appalled at both the lack of organization in the program and the lack of care for the students. Professors left halfway through the semester. Students were instructed to purchase the wrong textbooks, and even though we couldn’t return them, they made us purchase the correct one as well instead of working with the one they told us to buy the first time. The program consisted of almost 200 students, so it felt like I was lost in a crowd. Neither students nor instructors seemed to ever know where we were supposed to be or when. The student to faculty ratio was so poor that I have no confidence that every student got the proper attention they needed. Overall, it was a terrible experience and a terrible program, and I advise anyone looking at this school to run quickly in the other direction.” – Student at Augusta University (formerly Georgia Regents University)

    Georgia Southern University
    1332 Southern Dr
    Statesboro, GA 30458
    (912) 478-4636

    Student Review: “The nursing program at Georgia Southern University was fantastic. The courses were very challenging but all in all, I think these are definitely chocked full of the important information I need to be successful in the field. I really enjoyed ALL of my teachers so far, which is amazing in itself. How often do you hear of students actually enjoying their teachers but I definitely did. They were very approachable, the office hours were reasonable and they were never too busy for a serious question. This is a wonderful school to go if you want to become a nurse, the program also had a lot of fun activities for us to do as well as volunteer work to get more hands on in the field. I enjoyed my volunteer work at the campus health clinic. I enjoyed my time at the university very much.” – Student at Georgia Southern University

    Truett-McConnell College
    100 Alumni Dr
    Cleveland, GA 30528
    (706) 865-2134

    Student Review: “The nursing program at Truett-McConnell College is fantastic. Our professors care about our learning and our needs. They allow us to strive to be our best and are lenient when we need it. The program featured clinical at a local hospital which allowed the students in the nursing program to gather first-hand experience. One aspect I would say could be improved would be the layout of the program. The program put two classes together into one semester where they should have been spread out through an entire school year. Because of this, I feel that I haven’t learned everything I should be learning and that I have a lot of makeup work I need to do to ensure I am prepared to be in the field. Overall, the program is fantastic, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a small program with professors who care about your individual learning needs.” – Student at Truett-McConnell College

    1. National Center for Education Statistics College Navigator: https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/
    2. Kiplinger’s Best Values in Public Colleges: https://www.kiplinger.com/tool/college/T014-S001-best-college-values-college-finder/index.php#Tile
    3. The Princeton Review. The Best 382 Colleges, 2018 Edition. New York, Penguin Random House, 2018.
    4. US News Top Graduate Nursing Schools: https://www.usnews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-nursing-schools
    5. Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN): http://www.acenursing.us/accreditedprograms/programSearch.htm
    6. Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE): https://directory.ccnecommunity.org/reports/accprog.asp
    7. Georgia Board of Nursing: https://sos.ga.gov/how-to-guide/how-guide-registered-nurse